Our Commitment to Quality

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We believe that quality analytics are the foundation upon which good products are built. A partner in analytical services needs to be more than a number on a report. It needs to advance and deepen the understanding of the product. The service should reveal what needs to be done to ensure a product of high quality. Real quality comes from understanding and using the data from the appropriate tests. It is the amalgamated application of that data. It is Analytics: the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data.

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Quality Analytics does not come easy; it takes commitment, organization, teamwork and clarity of mind. Half the battle is clearly defining what data is needed and when. Once this is done we can plot a course to successful implementation together.

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The characterization of nutritional products can be an especially daunting task. Products may contain multiple raw materials, which, in turn, may contain hundreds to thousands of constituent natural products. We maintain that the chemical testing of botanical materials is the simplest, best route to ensuring a high quality product. To this end, quantitative data is our backbone. That is why we seek recognition through accreditation for chemical tests of nutraceuticals/botanicals.

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Hold On… Why aren’t all testing labs ISO 17025 accredited?

Because it isn’t easy!


The ISO 17025 Standards is a strict measurement of a laboratory’s capabilities (by independent witness auditing) and competency of the company and the employees it hires. This accreditation requires yearly monitoring, to ensure that the standards are up-to-date and maintained.

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Here are some of the main points of the accreditation:

•The laboratory must be real, professional facility that meets all regulatory and safety requirements
•There must be a Quality Management System in place and it must be strictly adhered to
•The tests receiving accreditation must be monitored and performed
•The laboratory must prove itself proficient in testing against other laboratories on a regular basis
•The laboratory must handle customer relations efficiently and purposefully